
If each and every day, we can contribute a little bit of something positive to somebody else's life - no matter how small - then that day would not have been wasted.

Vincent Luong, Principal Optometrist.  B. Optometry, Honours

We are optometrists in the Liverpool area with practices at Miller and Chipping Norton. 


What we are about is "Be beautiful... Make a difference!"

"Be beautiful" is a reminder to be beautiful inside and out.  We want you to look beautiful - and we want to offer you eyewear that is really, really nice that will enhance your natural beauty.

"Make a difference" means that whoever we encounter, no matter what the eye problem, we hope to make a positive difference to your life through eye care, our advice and our technology. 


About the Principal Optometrist

Vincent Luong graduated with:

1. Bachelor of Optometry (Honours) from the University of NSW in 1999. 

2. Graduate Certificate of Ocular Therapeutics 2018.

Seeing the need in the community for high quality eyecare, Vincent established Eyes in Style in the Liverpool area to try and make a difference to the lives of the people who he encounters.

In 2009, along Professor Joseph Sowka, Director of Glaucoma services at Nova Southeastern University, Vincent co-authored a paper published in Optometry - The Journal of the American Optometric Association.

To this day, Vincent continues to have a special interest in eye diseases and high tech lenses and consults at his practices at Miller and Chipping Norton.